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12 June 2009

Terjah Kampung Benuk

  1. We planned to start making our move sharp on 0800, but my dear f*cking friend, Ade forgot his f*cking shit helmet, so we had to return to his house to collect his helmet.. dah lah helmet murah..
  2. Sudirman, Umar and Melvin were waiting for us at Batu 10 coffee shop when we reach there.
  3. They fucked Ade like hell coz delaying our trip. Hahaha padan muka lu.. So because of that he had to pay our breakfast.. Rugi tak makan nasi..
  4. After breakfast, the journey to Benuk begun..
  5. So lazy to write, let the picture tell the storylah..
The Riderssss


1, 2 ,3, ACTION!!!



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